1. Communication Skills 沟通技巧
2. Extensive Reading 广泛阅读 ... Our Reflection & Feedback ,反思与反馈
In pairs, students demonstrated their understanding on the characteristics of unplanned spoken language by identifying video clips of interview and describing these characteristics.
- Examples of postings by students: Cliver & Sean, Athiyah & Ancel
2. Extensive Reading 广泛阅读 ... Our Reflection & Feedback ,反思与反馈
- Examples of classmate giving feedback to improve on the writing:
3. Information Reports 信息报告
Comparing and Contrasting (S1-01, 2011)In the 30-minute activity, after an introduction to the purpose of informative report, students were tasked to read 2 online informative reports which presented information in 2 different styles. Guided by questions, they compare and constrast the 2 reports (e.g. the text features). Riding on their responses, the teacher got the students to discuss the differences (which included the features, audience and context) more deeply to understand the considerations and how to present an information report to suit different context.
4(a). Writing Good Captions 标题作业
Illustration from Class English Blog (2011, S1-04) Working in pairs, students discussed to provide a caption to a photo using the general guideline they learnt in the lesson. They posted their captions in the slide of the photo they are assigned to in a shared presentation. Students then did a 'virtual' gallery walk to provide feedback to their peers before the teacher provided feedback to conclude the activity.
Link to the shared presentation (2011, S1-04 Class English Blog)
4(b). From Slogon to Text
Illustration from Class English Blog (2011, S1-01)
Students elaborated the "intended" message of a given slogon, taking the cue from the slogon and the visual given in an advertisement.
Link to the shared presentation (2011, S1-01 Class English Blog)
5. "Descriptors in Context"
Onomatopoeic Poems (2010, S1-07)
In this activity, students wrote poems that focused on describing the sounds of a particular action, event or scene. They then posted the poem in wordle to generate a visual representation of poem, which highlighted words that were emphasized in the writing. On top of this, peers who view the visual could also learn next adjectives related to the given context.
Example 1: Factory
Example 2: Haunted House
Example 3: Battlefield
6. Narratives... Analysis of Movie and Characters
On their own, students learnt the "Narrative" structure to be used to analyse a narrative. Through the scaffolds, they demonstrated their understanding by identifying and elaborating each aspect of a narrative in a movie clip.
Illustration from 2012 eLearning Week Lesson 1
- Activity 1: Using K-W-L, Students penned down their prior knowledge (what they knew) and what they wanted to know more about the "Narratives".
- Activity 2: Through this activity, teachers were able to evaluate to what extent students have understood the narrative structure through their elaboration on each aspect of the structure when analysis a video clip
- Activity 3: In this activity, students selected a character to describe its personalities. From the consolidated descriptions, students saw how others described the same characteristics, and therefore having a more 'holistic assessment' of the character.